16:37 to Southport
expected 16:39
Merseyrail service from platform 2
16:37 from Liverpool Central to Southport
Departing Ainsdale from platform 2
Expected 16:39
Calling at:
- 16:40: Hillside - on time
- 16:43: Birkdale - on time
- 16:49: Southport - on time
Train service operated by Merseyrail
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
16:46 to Liverpool Central
on time
Merseyrail service from platform 1
16:46 from Southport to Liverpool Central
Departing Ainsdale from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 16:50: Freshfield - on time
- 16:52: Formby - on time
- 16:56: Hightown - on time
- 16:59: Hall Road - on time
- 17:02: Blundellsands & Crosby - on time
- 17:04: Waterloo (Merseyside) - on time
- 17:07: Seaforth & Litherland - on time
- 17:10: Bootle New Strand - on time
- 17:11: Bootle Oriel Road - on time
- 17:13: Bank Hall - on time
- 17:16: Sandhills - on time
- 17:19: Moorfields - on time
- 17:22: Liverpool Central - on time
Train service operated by Merseyrail
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
16:52 to Southport
on time
Merseyrail service from platform 2
16:52 from Liverpool Central to Southport
Departing Ainsdale from platform 2
On time
Calling at:
- 16:55: Hillside - on time
- 16:58: Birkdale - on time
- 17:04: Southport - on time
Train service operated by Merseyrail
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
17:01 to Liverpool Central
on time
Merseyrail service from platform 1
17:01 from Southport to Liverpool Central
Departing Ainsdale from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 17:05: Freshfield - on time
- 17:07: Formby - on time
- 17:11: Hightown - on time
- 17:14: Hall Road - on time
- 17:17: Blundellsands & Crosby - on time
- 17:19: Waterloo (Merseyside) - on time
- 17:22: Seaforth & Litherland - on time
- 17:25: Bootle New Strand - on time
- 17:26: Bootle Oriel Road - on time
- 17:28: Bank Hall - on time
- 17:31: Sandhills - on time
- 17:34: Moorfields - on time
- 17:37: Liverpool Central - on time
Train service operated by Merseyrail
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
17:07 to Southport
on time
Merseyrail service from platform 2
17:07 from Liverpool Central to Southport
Departing Ainsdale from platform 2
On time
Calling at:
- 17:10: Hillside - on time
- 17:13: Birkdale - on time
- 17:19: Southport - on time
Train service operated by Merseyrail
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
17:16 to Liverpool Central
on time
Merseyrail service from platform 1
17:16 from Southport to Liverpool Central
Departing Ainsdale from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 17:20: Freshfield - on time
- 17:22: Formby - on time
- 17:26: Hightown - on time
- 17:29: Hall Road - on time
- 17:32: Blundellsands & Crosby - on time
- 17:34: Waterloo (Merseyside) - on time
- 17:37: Seaforth & Litherland - on time
- 17:40: Bootle New Strand - on time
- 17:41: Bootle Oriel Road - on time
- 17:43: Bank Hall - on time
- 17:46: Sandhills - on time
- 17:49: Moorfields - on time
- 17:52: Liverpool Central - on time
Train service operated by Merseyrail
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
17:22 to Southport
on time
Merseyrail service from platform 2
17:22 from Liverpool Central to Southport
Departing Ainsdale from platform 2
On time
Calling at:
- 17:25: Hillside - on time
- 17:28: Birkdale - on time
- 17:34: Southport - on time
Train service operated by Merseyrail
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
17:31 to Liverpool Central
on time
Merseyrail service from platform 1
17:31 from Southport to Liverpool Central
Departing Ainsdale from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 17:35: Freshfield - on time
- 17:37: Formby - on time
- 17:41: Hightown - on time
- 17:44: Hall Road - on time
- 17:47: Blundellsands & Crosby - on time
- 17:49: Waterloo (Merseyside) - on time
- 17:52: Seaforth & Litherland - on time
- 17:55: Bootle New Strand - on time
- 17:56: Bootle Oriel Road - on time
- 17:58: Bank Hall - on time
- 18:01: Sandhills - on time
- 18:04: Moorfields - on time
- 18:07: Liverpool Central - on time
Train service operated by Merseyrail
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
17:37 to Southport
on time
Merseyrail service from platform 2
17:37 from Liverpool Central to Southport
Departing Ainsdale from platform 2
On time
Calling at:
- 17:40: Hillside - on time
- 17:43: Birkdale - on time
- 17:49: Southport - on time
Train service operated by Merseyrail
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
17:46 to Liverpool Central
on time
Merseyrail service from platform 1
17:46 from Southport to Liverpool Central
Departing Ainsdale from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 17:50: Freshfield - on time
- 17:52: Formby - on time
- 17:56: Hightown - on time
- 17:59: Hall Road - on time
- 18:02: Blundellsands & Crosby - on time
- 18:04: Waterloo (Merseyside) - on time
- 18:07: Seaforth & Litherland - on time
- 18:10: Bootle New Strand - on time
- 18:11: Bootle Oriel Road - on time
- 18:13: Bank Hall - on time
- 18:16: Sandhills - on time
- 18:19: Moorfields - on time
- 18:22: Liverpool Central - on time
Train service operated by Merseyrail
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.