19:37 to Preston
on time
Northern service from platform 1
19:37 from Carlisle to Preston
Departing Aspatria from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 19:48: Maryport - on time
- 19:51: Flimby - on time
- 19:57: Workington - on time
- 20:02: Harrington - on time
- 20:11: Parton - on time
- 20:16: Whitehaven - on time
- 20:20: Corkickle - on time
- 20:25: St Bees - on time
- 20:32: Nethertown - on time
- 20:35: Braystones - on time
- 20:40: Sellafield - on time
- 20:44: Seascale - on time
- 20:48: Drigg - on time
- 20:51: Ravenglass for Eskdale - on time
- 20:57: Bootle - on time
- 21:04: Silecroft - on time
- 21:09: Millom - on time
- 21:14: Green Road - on time
- 21:18: Foxfield - on time
- 21:23: Kirkby-in-Furness - on time
- 21:28: Askam - on time
- 21:42: Barrow-in-Furness - on time
- 21:49: Roose - on time
- 21:55: Dalton - on time
- 22:03: Ulverston - on time
- 22:11: Cark - on time
- 22:15: Kents Bank - on time
- 22:19: Grange-over-Sands - on time
- 22:25: Arnside - on time
- 22:30: Silverdale - on time
- 22:37: Carnforth - on time
- 22:46: Lancaster - on time
- 23:10: Preston - on time
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
20:03 to Carlisle
on time
Northern service from platform 2
20:03 from Barrow-in-Furness to Carlisle
Departing Aspatria from platform 2
On time
Calling at:
- 20:13: Wigton - on time
- 20:23: Dalston - on time
- 20:34: Carlisle - on time
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
20:28 to Whitehaven
Northern service
20:28 from Carlisle to Whitehaven
Departing Aspatria
Calling at:
- 20:39: Maryport - cancelled
- 20:43: Flimby - cancelled
- 20:48: Workington - cancelled
- 20:54: Harrington - cancelled
- 21:03: Parton - cancelled
- 21:09: Whitehaven - cancelled
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
21:15 to Carlisle
on time
Northern service from platform 2
21:15 from Barrow-in-Furness to Carlisle
Departing Aspatria from platform 2
On time
Calling at:
- 21:25: Wigton - on time
- 21:34: Dalston - on time
- 21:45: Carlisle - on time
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.