Barnham Railway Station

Live Departure Boards

Trains running between East Croydon and London Victoria may be cancelled or revised. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.

Live departures show the next ten departures from this station within the next two hours.

06:11 to Bognor Regis on time
Southern service from platform 2

06:17 to London Victoria expected 06:20
Southern service from platform 3

06:24 to Southampton Central expected 06:27
Southern service from platform 2

06:28 to Portsmouth & Southsea on time
Southern service from platform 2

06:31 to Bognor Regis on time
Southern service from platform 1

06:34 to London Victoria cancelled
Southern service

06:38 to Chichester on time
Southern service from platform 2

06:41 to Brighton on time
Southern service from platform 3

06:47 to London Victoria cancelled
Southern service

06:53 to Brighton on time
Southern service from platform 3

Live departures will auto-refresh for a maximum of 30 minutes. This is to minimise load on our server and help prevent us going over quota on the National Rail API as a result of browser tabs and windows left open but unattended. After 30 minutes, you will need to refresh the page manually in order to continue viewing live departures. is a Good Stuff website.