05:24 to Bedford
on time
West Midlands Trains service from platform 2
05:24 from Bletchley to Bedford
Departing Bow Brickhill from platform 2
On time
Calling at:
- 05:28: Woburn Sands - on time
- 05:30: Aspley Guise - on time
- 05:34: Ridgmont - on time
- 05:38: Lidlington - on time
- 05:41: Millbrook (Bedfordshire) - on time
- 05:44: Stewartby - on time
- 05:48: Kempston Hardwick - on time
- 05:54: Bedford St Johns - on time
- 05:59: Bedford - on time
Train service operated by West Midlands Trains
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
06:22 to Bedford
on time
West Midlands Trains service from platform 2
06:22 from Bletchley to Bedford
Departing Bow Brickhill from platform 2
On time
Calling at:
- 06:26: Woburn Sands - on time
- 06:28: Aspley Guise - on time
- 06:32: Ridgmont - on time
- 06:36: Lidlington - on time
- 06:39: Millbrook (Bedfordshire) - on time
- 06:42: Stewartby - on time
- 06:46: Kempston Hardwick - on time
- 06:52: Bedford St Johns - on time
- 06:57: Bedford - on time
Train service operated by West Midlands Trains
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
06:45 to Bletchley
on time
West Midlands Trains service from platform 1
06:45 from Bedford to Bletchley
Departing Bow Brickhill from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 06:48: Fenny Stratford - on time
- 06:51: Bletchley - on time
Train service operated by West Midlands Trains
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.