09:28 to Scarborough
expected 09:31
Northern service from platform 2
09:28 from Sheffield to Scarborough
Departing Cottingham from platform 2
Expected 09:31
Calling at:
- 09:34: Beverley - expected 09:37
- 09:46: Driffield - expected 09:49
- 10:02: Bridlington - expected 10:04
- 10:09: Bempton - expected 10:11
- 10:19: Hunmanby - expected 10:21
- 10:24: Filey - expected 10:26
- 10:34: Seamer - on time
- 10:41: Scarborough - on time
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
09:30 to York
Northern service
09:30 from Scarborough to York
Departing Cottingham
Calling at:
- 09:47: Hull - on time
- 09:58: Brough - on time
- 10:06: Gilberdyke - on time
- 10:13: Howden - on time
- 10:24: Selby - on time
- 10:38: Sherburn-in-Elmet - on time
- 10:42: Church Fenton - on time
- 10:47: Ulleskelf - on time
- 10:58: York - on time
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
09:43 to Hull
on time
Northern service from platform 1
09:43 from Bridlington to Hull
Departing Cottingham from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
10:07 to Bridlington
on time
Northern service from platform 2
10:07 from Hull to Bridlington
Departing Cottingham from platform 2
On time
Calling at:
- 10:13: Beverley - on time
- 10:23: Hutton Cranswick - on time
- 10:28: Driffield - on time
- 10:32: Nafferton - on time
- 10:45: Bridlington - on time
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
10:12 to Sheffield
on time
Northern service from platform 1
10:12 from Scarborough to Sheffield
Departing Cottingham from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 10:21: Hull - on time
- 10:34: Brough - on time
- 10:49: Goole - on time
- 11:12: Doncaster - on time
- 11:37: Meadowhall - on time
- 11:48: Sheffield - on time
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
10:28 to Scarborough
on time
Northern service from platform 2
10:28 from Sheffield to Scarborough
Departing Cottingham from platform 2
On time
Calling at:
- 10:34: Beverley - on time
- 10:46: Driffield - on time
- 11:02: Bridlington - on time
- 11:09: Bempton - on time
- 11:19: Hunmanby - on time
- 11:24: Filey - on time
- 11:34: Seamer - on time
- 11:41: Scarborough - on time
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
10:32 to York
on time
Northern service from platform 1
10:32 from Bridlington to York
Departing Cottingham from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 10:41: Hull - on time
- 10:58: Brough - on time
- 11:06: Gilberdyke - on time
- 11:10: Eastrington - on time
- 11:15: Howden - on time
- 11:26: Selby - on time
- 11:39: Sherburn-in-Elmet - on time
- 11:43: Church Fenton - on time
- 11:57: York - on time
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
11:07 to Bridlington
Northern service
11:07 from York to Bridlington
Departing Cottingham
Calling at:
- 11:13: Beverley - cancelled
- 11:23: Hutton Cranswick - cancelled
- 11:28: Driffield - cancelled
- 11:32: Nafferton - cancelled
- 11:45: Bridlington - cancelled
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
11:12 to Sheffield
on time
Northern service from platform 1
11:12 from Scarborough to Sheffield
Departing Cottingham from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 11:21: Hull - on time
- 11:37: Brough - on time
- 11:53: Goole - on time
- 12:19: Doncaster - on time
- 12:38: Meadowhall - on time
- 12:48: Sheffield - on time
Train service operated by Northern
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.