Trains between Tamworth and Nuneaton may be cancelled, delayed by up to 20 minutes or revised. More details and the impact on your journey can be found in Status and Disruptions.
Buses replace trains between Chester and Shrewsbury. Latest information can be found in Status and Disruptions.
Live departures show the next ten departures from this station within the next two hours.
04:55 to Crewe
on time
Transport for Wales service from platform 1
04:55 from Llandudno Junction to Crewe
Departing Rhyl from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 05:01: Prestatyn - on time
- 05:15: Flint - on time
- 05:21: Shotton - on time
- 05:33: Chester - on time
- 05:59: Crewe - on time
Train service operated by Transport for Wales
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.
05:34 to Cardiff Central
on time
Transport for Wales service from platform 1
05:34 from Holyhead to Cardiff Central
Departing Rhyl from platform 1
On time
Calling at:
- 05:39: Prestatyn - on time
- 05:52: Flint - on time
- 06:09: Chester - on time
- 06:33: Wrexham General - cancelled
- 06:37: Crewe - on time
- 06:40: Ruabon - cancelled
- 06:46: Chirk - cancelled
- 06:51: Gobowen - cancelled
- 07:12: Shrewsbury - on time
- 07:27: Church Stretton - on time
- 07:35: Craven Arms - on time
- 07:43: Ludlow - on time
- 07:54: Leominster - on time
- 08:10: Hereford - on time
- 08:32: Abergavenny - on time
- 08:42: Pontypool & New Inn - on time
- 08:47: Cwmbran - on time
- 09:01: Newport (South Wales) - on time
- 09:18: Cardiff Central - on time
Train service operated by Transport for Wales
Times in the first column are scheduled times. If a service is delayed and the estimated actual time is known, this will be shown
after the station name.